B vitamins and why your plants need them
Posted by Mike Warren on
I'm going to talk to you about Vitamin B and the benefits. đ
Vitamin B Complex = Healthier, Stronger, Higher-Yielding Marijuana Plants
Vitamin B supplements are good for people and for marijuana plants. People take Vitamin B to fight stress. Marijuana growers give Vitamin B to their marijuana plants because it provides stress relief and a whole lot more.
The key uses for Vitamin B in marijuana gardens are:
-During marijuana seeds germination, cloning, transplanting, super-cropping and bloom phase. This includes using on marijuana motherplants, especially after cuttings are taken.
-When cannabis plants have been exposed to pests, diseases, drought, overwatering, grow room environment problems or any other extreme stress.
-During bloom phase to increase bloom size and cannabinoid production.
-As a foliar spray to protect marijuana plants from sunburn, pests, and to stimulate photosynthesis and base metabolism.
-When using C02 (carbon dioxide), double-ended bulbs, or high-powered feed programs.
-When youâre breeding marijuana seeds.
-When youâre growing pure-Sativa or nearly pure Sativa strains indoors.
One confusing fact is that Vitamin B isnât just one compound.
Itâs actually a group of compounds offering various forms of Vitamin B. In human supplements, itâs called âVitamin B complex.â
In most hydroponics supplements and hydroponics base nutrients, you arenât getting all the useful variations of Vitamin B that your marijuana plants need.
Most of them contain only Vitamin B1.
But there are many other B vitamins that help marijuana plants:
Vitamin B5 is essential for marijuana plants. Too little of it, and they die.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) is essential for your marijuana plants because it helps them in carbohydrate production and metabolism that fuel foliar and floral growth.
Vitamin B1 assists plants in phosphorus uptake. Phosphorus is a major essential nutrient for marijuana plants, especially in bloom phase.
Riboflavin (B2) helps your plants fight diseases and viruses that commonly attack marijuana plants.
Niacin (B3) promotes marijuana plant metabolism and cellular integrity.
Biotin (B7) helps your plants manufacture amino acids and energy.
Folic Acid helps your cannabis plants maintain genetic integrity so they grow out to be the strains you hoped theyâd be.
The thing about Vitamin B complex is that marijuana plants especially in bloom phase canât synthesize all the different variations of Vitamin B fast enough or in enough quantity.
Some forms of Vitamin B break down easily and canât be stored in sufficient quantities by your marijuana plants, especially during bloom phase.
When you supplement Vitamin B complex, you greatly assist your marijuana plants, freeing them from having to produce and store their own Vitamin B components.
Two of the most comprehensive and effective Vitamin B formulas are called B-52 and SUPERthrive
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Why I like superthrive- a little goes a long way Â
Superthrive: SUPERthrive is a highly concentrated plant growth stimulant that helps to greatly improve transplanting success and revive plants recovering from hail damage, frost and heat stress. Thoroughly soak the soil in the planting hole after transplanting. Then use it again 2-to-3 times at two week intervals: use at same frequency when reviving stressed or damaged plants. To improve your results, we highly recommend combining SUPERthrive with Neptunes Harvest liquid seaweed to give plants the synergistic boost that occurs when using the two products together. You'll be astounded how quickly plants rebound from damage and stress to begin active growth. A little goes a long way; mix 1/4 tsp. per gallon of water. One 2-0z. bottle treats 48 gallons of water. SUPERthrive is not a fertilizer but can be added to liquid fertilizers to improve root uptake of the nutrients.
Unlike inferior Vitamin B hydroponics products like Thrive Alive that contain mostly N-P-K and one B vitamin, B-52 has the full range of B vitamins.
The other thing I like about B-52 is that its vitamins are mostly derived from natural sources such as kelp and other sea plants.
These sources come with hormones and other beneficial compounds, along with the B vitamins they provide.
Vitamin B complex as found in a hydroponics product like B-52 is an inexpensive, easy to use, and valuable part of a high-yielding, high-quality marijuana plants feed program.
You get healthier, faster-growing marijuana plants that produce larger, more-potent buds when you use hydroponics Vitamin B complex.
Happy Growing! âď¸