
Organic Fertilizers and Nutrients: Shrimp and Crab Meal

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Organic Fertilizers and Nutrients: Shrimp and Crab Meal

A couple very useful organic fertilizers are made from the shells of shrimp or crabs. It is widely used in other areas of the country and many brands are available online, but we do not see them very often in our area. They are sometimes combined and sold as shellfish fertilizer or a.k.a. Crustacean Meal. Both shrimp and crab shells are a natural source of nutrients and they contain one item that most other organic fertilizers do not, Chitin. These meals are a renewable resource and are generally made from waste products from the seafood industry. Basically the process is...

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The Chelation Effect: Maximizing Plant Growth!

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The Chelation Effect: Maximizing Plant Growth!

The Chelation Effect: Maximizing Plant Growth! Let's talk Chelation! Many have never heard of the word Chelation and most that have heard or read this word don't fully understand what it means. Let's take a few minutes and dive into the meaning of "Chelation" and how it helps your plant fully maximize it's foods potential. There is nothing more satisfying than getting a plant species to flower. Then, after understanding a plant's life cycle, more attention can be focused on the ecology of a garden. Figuring out how your plants interact with their surrounding environment is imperative and makes it...

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Consistency in cannabis cultivation

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Consistency in cannabis cultivation

Let's talk about why Cannabis loves consistency and how to accomplish this even as a homegrower. In the cannabis industry, consistency is an evident problem for both suppliers and consumers. Cannabis may be a plant, but cannabis products are considered consumer packaged goods (CPG). Consumers expect the same experience each time they use the product. Brands expect their cultivators to produce consistent cannabis yields as a result. How can that be guaranteed with so many variables in play? With the right tools at a cultivator’s disposal, achieving desirable results is in reach. Why is consistency important in cannabis cultivation? Cannabis...

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Milk + Molasses = Magic in your garden

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Milk + Molasses = Magic in your garden

Milk + Molasses = Magic in your garden         Do you know about the magic of milk and molasses in improving your garden? Yes, plain old milk of any kind – whole, 2%, raw, dried, skim or nonfat – is a miracle in the garden for plants, soil and compost. Molasses only boosts the benefits! Let’s see how and why they work. Milk as Soil Food         Using milk on your compost and in your garden will probably come as a surprise to most.         Upon closer inspection, however, it starts to make sense....

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Molasses and how to use it in your grow

Posted by Mike Warren on

Molasses and how to use it in your grow

Molasses is a powerful, yet often overlooked tool when it comes to growing cannabis. Properly used, it can strengthen and boost the very foundation of your grow.          Growing cannabis is an art form—fairly easy to pick up, but difficult to master. As you become more experienced, and get a good hold on the basics, you often look to start mastering more advanced techniques. One such area of expertise is soil composition, and tailoring your feed to your specific strain and environment. Although there is a lot that can be done with composition, there is one tool...

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